Company Information

Is your dancer showing a strong commitment to dance and ready for more?
Company dancers practice and rehearse together weekly and have additional performance opportunities!
Spotlight Company (Ages 4-6)
Spotlight Company is ideal for dancers ages 4-6 who are ready for a more focused classroom atmosphere and demanding commitment.
Spotlight is an invitation-only program for dancers chosen through class and teacher recommendation.
Provides an opportunity to perform one competition dance at one local competition in the spring and a special dance for the recital.
Spotlight Company dancers will take one weekly Spotlight dance class in addition to their regular weekly dance class(es) during the school year. Summer classes are also required as dance is a year-round activity that requires consistent training to maintain technique and encourage growth.
Contact us HERE for more information and to take part in this program!
Company Lite (2nd - 12th Grades)
Company Lite for dancers in the 2nd-12th grades who are looking for a slightly less demanding commitment
Company Lite Company consists of 3 Levels that are geared toward dancers who want to participate, but want a smaller commitment. Also appropriate for older dancers who want to maintain their participation in the Company but with fewer commitments.
This class provides an additional performance opportunity to perform at 2 local competitions in the spring. Company Lite rehearsals are in addition to their regular weekly classes they are currently attending.
*Open to all dancers.
Competitive Company (3rd - 12th Grades)
Competitive Company for our dancers in the 3th grade and older who are ready to take their dancing to the next level.
Competitive Company is comprised of 3 Levels. Must have at least 2 year Tap and Jazz competition experience.
Competitive Company is for the highly committed dancer only. Acceptance will be based on ability, past commitment level, and attitude. This is not recommended for those that are enrolled in multiple activities outside of dance as missed classes and poor performance will result in probation or expulsion from the Competitive Company unless approved by NSDS staff.